Juvederm Vollure XC

Over time, wrinkles develop on the face, and nasolabial folds may become more visible. Juvederm®  VOLLURE XC®  is designed to temporarily add volume to the facial wrinkles for a smoother appearance to the face.

Juvederm®  VOLLURE XC®  is injected into the areas of facial tissue where moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds occur.  This includes the “parentheses lines” around the nose and mouth.  It has been approved for adults over the age of 21 and research has shown that it lasts up to 18 months

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What to Expect with Juvederm

Juvederm® injections are typically well tolerated by most patients, as the medication comes pre-mixed with lidocaine, a fast-acting anesthetic. Topical numbing creams and/or application of an ice pack can make the procedure even more comfortable.

The injection site may be associated w/ mild redness, swelling, and even bruising, which can last for up to 2-4 weeks. No post-procedure downtime is necessary for most patients. Patients will see results almost immediately.

Post Juvederm Procedure Instructions

Applying ice to the area treated for no more than 10 minutes at a time every 2 hours can help reduce swelling and redness. Avoid touching or massaging the area treated for the first week following treatment. After the swelling has resolved, the treated area may feel slightly uneven or even lumpy. This is very normal and if these areas of unevenness are visible still 2-weeks after the treatment, gentle massage of the area can then be carried out.

*All Juvederm® treatments are reversible with Hyaluronidase.

It is important to notify the clinician if you have a known allergy to lidocaine or are pregnant or breastfeeding, as JUVEDERM® treatments have not been studied in these patient populations. Pre- and post-treatment pictures will be taken for comparison.

All treatments provided through Root Medical Aesthetics are performed by a certified physician assistant and all products used are obtained directly from the manufacturer.