There is a $30.00 service/concierge fee for all concierge client appointments.



Dysport|Xeomin – $13.5/unit
Branded Botox® – $14/unit
Daxxify (longer lasting neurotoxin) – $18/unit *Introductory price available for first use at $14/unit
Myobloc (Botulinum Toxin Type B) – Reserved only for clients with full resistance to type A neurotoxins – $18/unit

Lip flip only – $125
Brow lift only – $150


Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers:

  • Lips – $825 per syringe ($450 for 1/2 syringe)
  • Jawline – $1600+
  • Tear Trough treatment – $825
  • All other areas of the face – $825 per syringe ($450 for 1/2 syringe)


Neurotoxin and Filler Packages:

Bright Eyes Pkg – Neurotoxin (20 units) for brow lift and crow’s feet + 1 syringe filler in trouble area based on exam (tear trough, brow ridge, upper cheek, etc) – $1099

Refresh and Restore Pkg – 3 syringes of filler + 30 units of tox – $2499

Vibrant Is The Vibe Pkg – SkinPen Microneedling session w/ Plated Exosomes followed by 30 units neurotoxin 2-6 weeks later – $699

Vibrant BRIDE Pkg – SkinPen Microneedling session w/ Plated Exosomes followed by 20 units neurotoxin 2-6 weeks later – $599



Sculptra: Pay-as-you-go: $850/vial
2 vials (Initial treatment usually 2-4 vials) – $1600
3 vials (Initial treatment usually 2-4 vials) – $2400


Biostimulator (Sculptra) Packages:

Collagen Boost Bundle: 4 vials of Sculptra – $2999

Mega Boost Bundle: Microneedling or IPL session with Plated Exosomes to wake up the tissue + 4 vials of Sculptra for $3325



SpaMedica Rejuvenize Peel ™ – $350 per treatment
-3 pack of peels – $950

SkinPen Microneedling w/ [Plated] Exosomes – $399 primary location; $75 for additional areas (i.e. neck, décolletage)
-3 pack of SkinPen Microneedling w/ [Plated] Exosomes– $1099

SKINVIVE- Internal hydrating injectable – $850 per treatment (includes two syringes)


Laser Treatments: Offered every Wednesday at 2345 7th St, Denver, CO 80211 

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light therapy) w/ [Plated] Exosomes: $399 for primary treatment location (face, neck or chest);
$150 for each addition site
3-session IPL pkg – $1099

1540 Fractional Laser Resurfacing w/ [Plated Exosomes]: $625 for primary treatment location (face, neck or chest)
$200 for each additional site
3-session 1540 pkg – $1599

Layered IPL w/ 1540 Fractional resurfacing and [Plated Exosomes]: $799 for primary treatment location (face, neck or chest)
$250 for each additional site
3-session layered IPL/1540 pkg – $2100

Laser Hair Removal: Price varies by treatment area. See laser hair removal page under the “Services” tab for full price list


Medical Weight Loss:

Boost Weight Loss Program – Semaglutide (compounded Ozempic) $475 per month for first 4 months, then $475 per refill
Tirzepatide (compounded Mounjaro) $575 per month for first 4 months, then $575 per refill
-Includes virtual consultation with physician assistant, baseline labs, medication mailed to home, as well as side effect management and a minimum of monthly check-ins with a Physician Assistant

Micro-Boost (Microdosing Semaglutide) – $400 per prescription (refill needed every 3 months) – Includes virtual consultation with Physician Assistant, medication mailed to home, as well as side effect management and monthly check in with PA. *Baseline labs not included in price, but are required – Total cost for recommended labs prior to treatment is ~$70 through self-pay lab.


Hormone Replacement Therapy

Initial consultation – 45 min (includes extensive baseline labs) – $299

Monthly HRT membership – $175/mo (includes initial lab review/treatment plan, cost of medications (topical/oral/patches) and virtual follow-up every 3-6 months) *does not include lab monitoring (usually required every 3-9 months) or the cost of recommended supplements


Other Treatments:
Radiesse ® (treats aging hands) – $750 per syringe
B12 injections (every 4-6 weeks) – $30 per treatment *Not a concierge service unless combined with another treatment


Botox Event Pricing (Cost per client; see Botox Events tab for full details):